Silicone and Sustainability
Published date: 09 Feb 2023

The environment, and industry’s impact on it, is a huge consideration for current generations.
Sustainability is key and there is increasing pressure on reducing waste and production of new, raw materials. With silicone being such a popular material for our customers, it is important to SBR that we manage any waste responsibly and look at ways of making it more sustainable.
With that in mind, we save all our waste silicone for re-processing, enabling it be to re-used and moulded into industrial and commercial products. This is a key capability that SBR now offers, having seen increasing demand for our recycled silicone products as our customers drive for more sustainable options. Recently we partnered with our local council and Bam Nuttall to design and manufacture a product that would protect the public from protruding soil nails alongside a bridleway in Fareham, Hampshire.
After introducing our plan for using recycled silicone we developed soil nail protection shrouds which have now been successfully installed, allowing the opening of the bridleway. Since SBR committed to recycling silicone we have already re-processed over 200 kilos of waste from various silicone production and raw material rejects, which would have otherwise been consigned to landfill.